Friday, February 15, 2008

Rev Kev Brought Goodies!

I just wanted to let everyone know that Rev Kev has safely arrived in South Africa. He already called Danette, so the word may already have spread, but I thought Id post the news just in case.

He brought me SOO MANY wonderful things from home. Beanie Babies, books, Little Debbie Cakes, and KRISPY KREME. Carol and I both had a Krispy Kreme as soon as I got home and rescued them from the depths of the suitcase. I think Krispy Kreme are heavenly. I think I want a tower of Krispy Kreme as my wedding cake (if I ever get married). South Africa has nothing like them. Their donuts are cake-like. Yuck. So Rev Kev is my hero for bringing me Krispy Kreme.

My church also made me salvation bracelets. Im so excited to share them with the Sunday School children at church! They are going to LOVE them. As an interesting side note...the South African flag has all of the colors that are on the salvation bracelet. So their flag can be used as a salvation tool to help people remember the steps to salvation! Pretty awesome! Anytime you can see their flag, you can share Christ in a visual, easy to remember way. Which doesnt help you guys in the US, but is amazing to know here in South Africa!

1 comment:

AirEelle said...

Haha! Krispy Kreme!!! How about only "22" would fit in the box so there wer 2 missing... hmmm Dad said that the Donut Dinosaur had to eat them... I wonder who that could have been since he was the only one to be there with the donuts! hahaha! Tell My Dad we miss him and love him and we miss and love you too!!!
