Sunday, August 3, 2008

Last Post

So this will be my last post about South Africa. I think I have avoided writing it because I don't like that it will be my last. I wanted this post to be a "wrap up" and summary of my experiences.....but I'm only beginning to realize that there is no way to wrap up or summarize all of the amazing things that happened in my year in SA. Out God is a big God and He did SO MANY things in my life and all around me while I was in South Africa. I think I will continue to feel the affects for the rest of my life.

I have learned that:
  • Missions is an attitude of sharing Christ's love to those around you....through words AND deeds. Missions is not a "trip." It is something we are all called to be a part of.
  • Doing what you think God wants you to do is scary, but so much better than doing things your own way.
  • I don't have all the answers and that's ok cause God does....even when He doesn't share the answers with you, He still knows them.
  • Being "at home" is more about who you are with than where you are.
  • Missionaries feel it when God's people pray!
  • God doesn't bless you after you obey. He blesses you in the midst of your obedience. Going to South Africa began as "obeying God" and as I obeyed I was blessed by the entire experience.
  • I will never be the same as I was pre-South Africa. Praise God for great changes!

I feel like I have less purpose and drive since I've been home. I hope God helps me to see that I can be a part of His plan here at home too.

Thank you so much for reading my blog. Thank you for praying for my kids and teachers. Thank you for money, materials, books, socks, underwear, clothes, Krispy Kreme, Ketchup, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc!!! Thank you for being interested in how God is working all over the world. I have no idea how many people have read this blog, but I hope you have enjoyed it. I have LOVED being able to share what God is doing in my life over the past year. I will miss having a place to record and share what is happening in my life.

Thanks Again and God Bless!

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