Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Hurry Up and Wait

As a general rule, "Hurry Up and Wait" is a way of life here in South Africa. For the most part Ive been getting used to the 'wait' portion of this phrase. Waiting for the bank, waiting for people to arrive (15 minutes late is entirely acceptable). Ive waited for decisions and meetings and planes to arrive. Waiting has been a part of life.

But when the waiting is over, things happen rather quickly. Hurry up and make a decision. Hurry up and fill in for XY and Z who are sick today. Hurry up and move materials at the last minute. Hurry up and retrieve materials from another church.

This next couple of weeks has a lot of "hurry up" to deal with. The Graduation/Christmas Party for the Day Care is this coming Saturday (November 24th). The kids have been practicing for months and I think they are going to do a great job! But this week is a mad dash to get costumes ready, food organized, and details ironed out.

The following weekend (December 2nd) is the Sunday School Christmas Program. Since we only began practice 3 weeks ago and we only have 1 left before the program....Im not confidant about the way this is going to turn out.

And the week after that is my long awaited, much anticipated, desperately needed teacher training (December 3, 5, and 7). I know what changes need to be made. I can imagine what a great Day Care looks like. I can see the kids interacting in age appropriate ways. I can see the potential in the teachers. But Im having a very hard time finding the best way to get what is in MY head into THEIR heads. I think I could show them changes that need to be made by modeling lessons in their classrooms....but I dont think they will grasp the important concepts unless I teach them explicitly and very specifically point out what Im doing. But after 6 years of teaching and a life time of loving children, Im not sure of ALL of the different things Im doing. So Ive had to look at my teaching techniques and beliefs more closely. Ive had to analyze what I do, why I do it and how effective it can be in this setting. I am definitely growing and learning through this process. The task set before me is extremely challenging. There are days when it seems impossible. Im having to rely on God to fill in the gap when Im unable to perform miracles in this Day Care. And we need a few miracles! But I believe that God is still in the business of performing miracles.

Between helping with 2 Christmas programs and trying to figure out how to train teachers Im feeling a little overwhelmed. Ok, Im feeling a LOT overwhelmed.

But in true South African style, Im busy for the next few weeks and then I have a nice long break (December is Summer Vacation!). I get to "Hurry Up and Wait."

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