Thursday, May 15, 2008

Strangely Quiet

Life in South Africa is so much like life anywhere else. There are crazy busy times when you dream of a minute alone to breathe without sharing space and air with someone else. And there are times when life becomes so routine and regular that you wish life was a bit crazy again. The past few weeks have been strangely quiet. Almost too quiet. I have that feeling that you sometimes get that says I need to keep my guard up because SURELY something is going to happen soon....and I want to be prepared to face it. There is a Rascal Flatts song "Feels Like Today" that keeps popping into my head. I don’t know if anything exciting/traumatic/unusual is going to happen. But I pray that if it does, I’m ready to face it. And if nothing out of the ordinary happens, I hope I’m smart enough to see the wonderful, small, every day miracles in a new light so that these predictable days don't become boring. I never imagined that life in South Africa would be routine and boring. But some things never change. I still don’t make my bed. I always have dirty clothes and dishes. Sleeping late is a luxury I will never get tired of. And I let my car's gas light come on before I remember to fill up the tank. So saying that I live in South Africa sounds like a big, grand adventure, but the reality is that most days here are just like days at home. The biggest differences are the length of time it takes me to get to my Grandma's house and a 6 hour time difference when I want to call home. But let me tell you, those two differences are the hardest things to try to get used to!

Best time to call home…..after 5PM when people are out of work=11PM South African time! (See why I like to sleep late? Hahaha)
How long it will take me to get to my grandma’s house……53 days.
Busy days seem to go by faster. I'm wishing I was REALLY busy right now! ;-)

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