Thursday, June 26, 2008

Good Bye Party

TLC had a goodbye party for me today. It is a week early, but next week is Vacation Bible School. Instead of saying goodbye to a bunch of neighborhood kids at VBS, we went ahead and had the party early so I could say goodbye to just the TLC kids.

They went all out on the food. Cake, pie, chips, juice, and my favorite Milk Tart. The kids thought it was a birthday party and were really confused when I started crying. The kids sang some of my favorite songs (including "I have decided to follow Jesus"!!!) The teachers had nice things to say. And they sat the 2 naughtiest kids beside me at the table of honor. Nomfundo and Sunday are my "friends" because I love them even when all the other teachers are fed up and cant stand them one more minute. What can I say? I have a soft spot for the naughty ones.

I'm going to have a hard time leaving these kids. They are great. For example:
The other day I picked up Kanyiso and as I was picking him up into the air he raise both hands in the air and said "Yeah Jesus!" Out of the blue, random praise! He is so clueless sometimes, but he knows the important part.

And today Paige was doing a video clip of a little 4 year old boy. She asked his name, age, etc. Then she asked "Who is Jesus?" Siyanda replied "Jesus is God." If he knows that, then TLC is doing its job well. Praise God! What a privilege to have been a part of that.

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