Monday, June 2, 2008

Pray for Tom

On Friday night, I got a call from one of the workers at the Door of Hope. She needed a ride to the hospital to pick up a child. Many babies that come to the Door of Hope are left at the hospital by their mothers, but this child was not a baby....he appeared to be almost old enough to go to school. For confidentiality purposes I'll call him Tom.

Tom was taken to the hospital by his mother because he had an ear infection. Somehow in the course of the very busy day at the hospital, Tom's mother disappeared. We assume she left him on purpose because there were no reports of missing children at the hospital. After spending the majority of the day being seperated from his mother, the hospital staff realized that she wasn't coming back. When we arrived to pick him up, he was obviously distraught and exhausted both physically and emotionally. In spite of his very tough day, he was very polite and well behaved! He made it clear that he would rather be at home with his mother, but he followed directions and was willing to come with us.

After dropping him off at the Door of Hope, I went home and hit my knees. This little boy couldn't tell us where he lived, but he could tell us that his heart was broken. I wanted to be mad at his mother. I wanted fix his broken heart. But the only thing I could do at that moment was pray and hope that God could somehow make something good come out of this horrible situation.

Tom slept well his first night at the Door of Hope, but he is having a hard time adjusting. He is not interested in playing and continues to be depressed about being seperated from his family. Please pray for this little boy. I cannot imagine being his age and being seperated from my family. I cannot believe that I would have been as calm and trusting as him with my mother gone and 2 strangers putting me in a car and driving me to the other side of the city. I cannot understand the events that lead to a child being abandoned in a busy hospital. Pray for a miracle for this little boy. A miracle of healing and peace and joy.

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