Thursday, June 19, 2008


Paige and Ben arrived safely. I think they had a good time in London on the way here. They both suffered from a bit of jet lag, but seem to be on a South African sleep schedule now. We have spent a couple of days at the day care with the kids. As expected, they fell in love with my darling babies!

Paige has done one day of training with the teachers. She is going to train again this morning. She has expressed a bit of frustration with their lack of participation and come cultural differences that we can't seem to get past. It was reassuring for me to know that she is feeling some of the same things I feel when working with the teachers. They are a great group of women with great hearts, but sometimes the differences are hard to work with. Knowing that Paige was getting the "Three-Headed-Monster" look just like I do made me feel like I wasn't alone in this battle.

Please pray that the things I have shared with the teachers and the information Paige is sharing will make a difference. Pray that somehow God uses what we have shared to improve this day care in only a way that He can. I know that what we are saying is often very different and new and strange to these teachers. I just pray that God does more with what we say than we could ever imagine. It's very humbling to feel the need to train and share ideas and then think they may never be used. It's frustrating to offer games, toys, books and resources and think they may never be used. But we are not here to perform miracles. We are here to share best practices of pre-school teaching and we have to trust God to do the rest.

Ben is being a trooper. I'm sure he is often bored, but he is not complaining. The kids love him and treat him like a tree they can beat, climb and tackle.

We leave for Durban tomorrow (Saturday). I'm excited to have some time to relax and have fun!

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